Vector graphics

Search with Keywords

search motifs

"and" link
Search with spaces (example: sport pictogram)
Search result: Sport pictograms, motifs that have "sport" AND "pictogram" as search terms.

Exclude search terms
Search with minus symbol (example: child - comic)
Search result: Children, but not in comic style. The search term "comic" was excluded

Search term begins with ...
Search with star symbol (example: car*)
Search result: Motifs whose search terms begin with car (automobile, car repair shop, ...)

Search with linked words (phrases)
Search with inverted commas (example: "one euro")
Search result: one euro coins

Tip: The different search modes can also be combined

Remember motifs

Where: "My light tables" tab (right-hand side)
How: Simply drag the desired motif into a lightbox.
The lightbox must be expanded (click on the triangular arrow next to the lightbox name).

Create Watchlist

Where: "Watchlist" tab (right-hand side)
How: Click on "Create new Watchlist"

Sort Watchlist

Where: "Watchlist" tab (right-hand side)
How: Click on a Watchlist, move it up or down.

Send motif suggestions to customers or colleagues

Where: Open watchlist > "Watchlist ..." button or "Watchlist" tab > cogwheel icon
How: Click on "Send as link" for a watchlist. A new email with a link to your watchlist is automatically created. The recipient of this e-mail can now mark motifs with green or red dots and send them back to you by clicking on them. You will automatically receive an e-mail notification. Open the watchlist you have sent to see the marked images.

Tip: You can also test watchlists by having them sent to your own e-mail address.

Delete motifs from a Watchlist

Where: "Watchlist" tab
How: Click on a motif and drag it from the Watchlist.

Highlight individual motifs in a Watchlist

Where: Open Watchlist
How: Click on the red or green dot next to the desired motifs.

Note: Images can only be marked in Watchlists, not under the "Search result" tab, as search results are not saved.

Several motifs at the same time ...

... download, or add to a Watchlist, or delete from a Watchlist:
Where: "Search result" tab or "Watchlist" tab
How: Click on the symbol with the tick at the top right of the desired motifs, then on the "Marked motifs ..." button

Suggested topics, inspiration

Where: "Topics" tab
How: Scroll through the themes. Click on a theme to see its motifs.
Themes are editorially compiled collections of motifs for your inspiration. You can find other motifs that match the themes using the keyword search.
Tip: You can add these motif collections to your watchlist with a single click: Click on "Theme ..."

Download files

Click on the green download button next to the motifs.

As an individual buyer, click on the yellow shopping basket button and download the purchased files directly after the order process has been completed.

Depending on your browser settings, you will be asked in which directory (folder) the file should be saved, or it will end up directly in the "Downloads" folder on your computer.

You will receive the files as compressed ZIPs. To be able to open the files in your graphics programme, you must first unpack the ZIP files. As a rule, double-clicking is sufficient, otherwise use a decompression programme.