CAR 3D – Presentation

Prepare vehicle labelling as a 3D presentation in CorelDRAW

  1. Open the 3D-capable CAR-SPECIAL® vehicle file with CorelDRAW
    (the structure is identical to the 2D drawings).
  2. Create a new layer for your design, move the small bounding squares to this layer.
  3. Design the vehicle as usual with fonts, logos and images.

Export your design with the bounding squares as a PNG file:
File > Export for > Web ...

Export settings:

  • PNG
  • RGB colour (24 bit)
  • Transparency
  • Smoothed by anti-aliasing
  • Height: 2048 pixels
  • Maintain aspect ratio
  • Only export the layer with your design and the two bounding squares - not the vehicle drawing!
  • Your design must not protrude beyond the bounding squares.
  • The original file name must be retained, but can be added, for example: Ford_351_mytext.png.

Prepare vehicle labelling as a 3D presentation in Adobe Illustrator

  1. Open the 3D-capable CAR-SPECIAL® vehicle file with Adobe Illustrator
    (The structure is identical to the 2D drawings).
  2. Create a new layer for your design, move the small bounding squares to this layer.
  3. Design the vehicle as usual with fonts, logos and images.

Export your design with the bounding squares as a PNG file:
File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy) ...

Export settings:

  • PNG-24
  • Transparent background
  • Height: 2048 pixels
  • Retain aspect ratio
  • Image material optimised
  • Deactivate "Export entire drawing area"!
  • Only export the layer with your design and the two bounding squares. The vehicle drawing and everything else must be hidden!
  • Your design must not protrude beyond the bounding squares.
  • The original file name must be retained, but can be added, for example: Ford_351_mytext.png.

Present vehicle lettering in CAR-3D

  • Start CAR-3D
  • After clicking on "Browse", select the PNG file you just exported.
  • Select the desired paint colour.
  • Click on "Render 3D Presentation" to start the import of your design into CAR-3D.
  • Your model will be calculated.
    Please be patient, the calculation of the 3D model may take a few minutes.

You have the option to change the paint colour, import a logo and individual background motifs. You can also load different 3D environments. Create a link to your finished 3D presentation and email it to your customer! With one click on the link, your customer can interactively rotate and scale the designed vehicle.

Why is the position of my design in CAR-3D not correct?

The positioning of the design is determined by the two small squares. These squares must be exported together with your design.

Please note: These positioning squares may lie outside the workspace.

Why is my design not loaded in CAR-3D?

3D presentations are usually loaded within a few seconds. If the process stops and the loading bar remains stationary, this is usually due to an incorrect file name. This must not be changed, see example:

Original file: Ford_351_3D.cdr
Your design: Ford_351_yourText.png

Tip: After the second underscore (marked in bold) you can insert your own text without spaces, e.g: "Rena_831_yourText.png".

Why is my design not displayed on the bonnet?

In the front view of the vehicle, the bonnet is usually shown in a very foreshortened perspective. Therefore, in most cases you have to place the bonnet design of a vehicle on the roof view.

With large-scale motifs, the vehicle loses plasticity

With large-area motifs, reflections and light edges are no longer displayed in the 3D model.

Tip: Reduce the opacity of the motifs (e.g. to 85%) to achieve a better representation.

Design or recolour exterior mirrors

On vehicle models with exterior mirrors in body colour, these are automatically coloured in the selected paint colour. However, customisation is not possible.

Can 3D files be purchased?

No, we sell 2D files for graphics programmes such as CorelDRAW or Adobe Illustrator, with which you can create three-dimensional presentations without a 3D programme, see 3D example.